Understanding the Energyfrom the Stars


Astrology is the study of the interaction of human being and his/her external environment mainly from the planets and cosmic forces. Electromagnetic energy of attraction and repulsion affect us and we can choose to counter what the forces do to our bodies and minds, through conscious living and attention focusing practices. Once we know how to control the inner nature, we can overcome the outer or astrological influences.

Astrology's roots date from thousands of years ago as many (maybe all) ancient cultures were tuned into the energy from the sky. There was a high point in Greece when scientific truth about the planets and the solar system was known and celebrated. Then as the man descended into denser times, these truths were lost and Astrology and planetary knowledge was hidden to man. Even into the Renaissance, men could be killed or jailed for speaking of the Earth's orbiting the Sun.

In the last 150 years expansive new ideas about Astrology have been developed as astrologers have combined psychology and metaphysics with Astrology to form new ways of working with the stars. But too often we still hear people describe themselves this way, "l am a Scorpio," or they may say, "Life is hard because my Saturn is . . .” Yes, we feel affected and are affected by the planets' energy. Our culture has encouraged us to misidentify the planetary energy as if it is who we are. Often it feels like planetary influences are here to do us harm, when in fact they can help to guide us. But to define ourselves in limited ways because of the belief, planets confine us in their essence, is to hold ourselves back from the true potential of this life.

Life's circumstances highlight areas where our personality engages as situations arise--difficult situations can bring out the rawest of human behavior. In the Life Reading, Astrology is used (Vedic Astrology of India) to uncover the strengths and weaknesses of the planets for us based on the placements in the sky at the time of birth. Life's challenges are not to limit us but to encourage us to expand beyond the mental place where resistances and imbalances arise. When planets are afflicted (unfavorably aspected) in our natal chart, we tend to compensate in our behavior because of the perceived feeling of weakness, the lack of the planet's energy in its placement. A planet in a strong position in our chart may induce a feeling of overwhelm so we may then compensate with arrogance in our behavior or we may seemingly disappear unable to handle what feels like too much strong energy.

Location Astrology and Astrocartography

The Power of Place

We take our chart with us wherever we go, the collection of challenges and potentials that we are imprinted with comes with us, but in a new location the view can be changed significantly so that a new perspective can help us to see a way past our own blocks and challenges. Like a new day can change our mood and outlook, so can a new place. We can see the energies manifesting in our astrology chart.

In typical astrology the birth information is cast into an astrology chart. With AstroCartoGraphy, we cast the birth information onto a world map. The map looks like one of those old flat earth maps of the world from the 1500’s with the Pacific Ocean on both the left and right sides of the map and all the land masses spread out accordingly in between. Onto the map is printed many different colored lines which represent the arc of all of the planets paths at our birth. Each planet has four lines of paths representing the most auspicious and powerful times of the earth’s day, sunrise and sunset, noon and midnight.

The lines on the map are at the points called the “angular cardinal points” that are at the beginning (cusp/zero degrees) of the 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th houses of our natal chart. These particular houses are by their nature convey self-expression and this significance makes them stand out astrologically.

There are two important ways this map of lines can help us. One way that ACG is traditionally used is to find places where, for example, career, relationships, prosperity and creativity influences are strong. The other way to use the ACG map is to locate places where our energy might be triggered by the challenging planetary placements, so called bad “juju” places for us, where planets that are difficult for us lay in strong positions. Living in these places can be intense, especially when we are young and not so conscious or personal growth orientated. We meet our challenges to these places by acting out our suppressed and compulsive behavior. Traveling far away gives us new experiences and perspectives, tools and food, which can enable us to grow and live more harmoniously with our difficult planetary influences. There is great value in the long term to understand our life’s challenges and what planetary energies influence us where we are.

Enneagram of Personality

Mapping the Human Personality

"The Enneagram, if nothing else, teaches us—that our worldview is the product of habitual conditioning that can be overcome through the rigorous challenging and deconstruction of our assumptions." Mario Sikora

The Enneagram of Personality is a powerful tool for personal and collective transformation. Stemming from the Greek words ennea (nine) and grammos (a written symbol), the nine-pointed Enneagram symbol represents nine distinct strategies for relating to the self, others and the world. Each Enneagram point has a different pattern of thinking, feeling and acting that arises from a deeper inner motivation or worldview. We navigate our life with one of the points at our core, though we have each of them in us, the one at our core is fundamental to our life navigation.

Type One is principled, purposeful, self-controlled, and perfectionistic.

Type Two is generous, demonstrative, people-pleasing, and possessive.

Type Three is adaptable, excelling, driven, and image-conscious.

Type Four is expressive, dramatic, self-absorbed, and temperamental.

Type Five is perceptive, innovative, secretive, and isolated.

Type Six is engaging, responsible, anxious, and suspicious.

Type Seven is spontaneous, versatile, acquisitive, and scattered.

Type Eight is self-confident, decisive, willful, and confrontational.

Type Nine is receptive, reassuring, complacent, and resigned.

Determining our personality type through the Enneagram does not put us in a box, but helps us see the box from which we experience the world. With this awareness, we can step outside of our limited perspective. Personality is an effective way to navigate this world, but challenges arise when our point of view becomes rigid and we get stuck in automatic habits. By discovering these unconscious patterns, we can lead more fulfilling lives, enjoy healthier relationships, and connect to our true essence.

We live our life using our core enneagram type as a filter to experience life. There are however levels to the enneagram in which we exhibit, Healthy, Average, and Unhealthy characteristics. Healthy means that we are aware of our personality but are not driven by its impulsive needs. Average means we start to see how our actions are controlled but are not able to live always beyond it. Unhealthy means we are stuck in the densest forms of our personality.

at the end of a reading, the question comes "Now what do I do with these teaching?" The answer is by Living the 4 Doorways to Conscious Living

How do we put wisdom into practice?

4 Doorways to Conscious Living

1. Learn to Observe

2. Let Go and Release whatever doesn't Serve You

3. Love Yourself
4. Live in the Moment

Letting go involves being aware of a feeling, letting it come up, staying with it, and letting it run its course, without wanting to make it different or do anything about it.

It means simply to let the feeling be there and to focus on letting out the energy behind it.

When letting go, ignore all thoughts. From Letting Go by David Hawkins

When we live in the moment, we are loving ourself. They are interchangeable.
How do we love our self? By letting go and releasing what does not serve us.
How do we know what to let go of? We learn to observe. That will tell us. Get out of the movie of your life, watch from the audience. Watch your own thinking and behavior. Watch your reaction to other's thinking and behavior.

Wheel of Totality

Map of Consciousness

"Be willing to see yourself as a limitless being, and the totality of all things. Your whole life becomes an exploration of seeing just how far you can reach beyond your self-made limitations. Live your life for the enlightenment and awakening of all beings, not just yourself." ShantiMayi

This is a tool that is used in the readings as a map to navigate our way to Totality. It is used to show in a graphic form, all the areas that an awakening spiritual life encompass. The goal is to give clarity and boundaries and clearly enunciate the actual specific items of awareness that need to be embraced to have freedom from the culturally conditioned human stories that bind our wings. The expectation is that by seeing what constitutes Totality this will make the goal easier to attain. These are the stripes that we need to "earn" in order to maintain the feeling of powerful, all-encompassing Totality. People absorb information in different ways, so this graphic is of value to the many people who can be helped by the visual clarity it offers. There are many ways to view and work with this information. The Wheel of Totality can provide something tangible that can be felt and explored with positive results by those that feel an affinity to learn best using these kinds of understandings.

You may think of this wheel as a mandala for it represents the universe pictorially. By focusing successively on each of its stages and absorbing the logic of its form we each can successfully approach the center. It can also be viewed similarly as an astrology chart, a map to help navigate this life. The wheel is divided into 12 "houses" or spheres of influence each containing an aspect of human existence that we need to embraced in order to attain a lasting and fulfilling experience at the center in totality. Another way to view the houses is as doorways that we have to pass through to deeper understanding. By definition totality can not be missing anything. But to be guided to its extensions, to attempt to light up the wisdom in its corners and shadows (corners and shadows probably being more of a literary invention than fact), this wheel can help to add knowledge and experience that is maybe missing (in the conscious sense) in you, the participant.

The outer most circle of the wheel describes the type of activity natural to each pie slice. The larger inner circle contains a core value or awareness that we need to embrace to live in deep awake simple presence. They are doorways to Totality and in embracing the depth of the concepts we drop stories of misunderstanding, limitation, and pain. The activity in the outer circle is also a doorway to the awareness next to it in the inner circle. There is a relationship between them that may not be quickly evident. In gaining insight into the relationship between the two circles exists fertile ground for additional insight to both the inner larger circle and the central circle of Totality. They act together in infinite ways.

Placing ourselves in the longer humanity cycles

"The world is reaching out for spiritual knowledge, and men require loving help one from the other." Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri

A day is the time needed for the Earth to make a complete revolution on its axis. The Earth circling once around the Sun is a known as a year. These are natural cycles that affect every living specie. It has been suggested that the Sun also makes an orbit in its travels through the universe. We on Earth are affected by this longer cosmic Sun cycle too. The universe is made up of uncountable numbers of orbs that all seem to be interconnected to each other. I believe that when we look at these longer cycles we get a new perspective about the world we live in and our place in it.

The early Greeks thousands of years ago suggested a long concept of cycles of ages that they called "the Great Year." “The Yugas” refers to a similar 24,000 year cycle discussed in ancient Indian scriptures. The basis of the 4 Yugas is the celestial movement of the planets. Because of the inherent magnetism involved in planet movement, the effect of this magnetic attraction changes along with the movement. The change in magnetic field influences an evolution of the human consciousness. As the planets move in cycles, consciousness also moves in cycles from a high to low and then again from a low to high. Thus the 24,000 year cycle has a 12,000 year descending cycle (where man loses touch with the highest teachings) and a 12,000 ascending cycle (where the lost wisdom is relearned again). The 24,000 years is composed of a Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dwapara Yuga and Kali Yuga descending cycle followed by Kali Yuga, Dwapara Yuga, Treta Yuga and Satya Yuga ascending cycle. (see the chart above).

Kali Yuga 100 + 1,000 +100 years long The Iron Age: Densest age, live at 25% of our potential. Descent into materialism, ignorance, and forgetfulness

Dwapara Yuga 200 + 2,000 + 200 years long The Bronze Age: Awakening age, live at 50% of our potential. Technological progress, conquest of space, electricity known and its creating principles

Treta Yuga 300 + 3,000 + 300 years long The Silver Age: Age, Telepathy age, live at 75% of our potential. Telepathy, conquest of time, divine magnetism comprehended

Satya Yuga: 400 + 4,000 + 400 years long The Golden Age: Conscious age, live at 100% of our potential. Harmony with nature, human divinity, One with God, human intellect comprehends all

Most Indian scholars date the lowest density age, known as Kali Yuga, to be far from finished, though there is not any agreement about when it might end. In 1894 Swami Sri Yukteswar, master yogi and astrology scholar, wrote in his book, The Holy Science, that Kali Yuga was over. It was his opinion that due to mathematical mistakes made thousands of years ago, and carried forward to this day, Indian scholars erroneously believed we are in Kali Yuga. Thus according to Swami Yukteswar, ascending Dwapara Yuga, the next after Kali Yuga, has already been underway for hundreds of years. His theory has not been widely accepted, but when you compare actual human history to his dates of the Yugas, the historical facts and the Yugas emphatically line up. I believe Sri Yukteswar's ideas about the age we are living in are correct. The graphic above shows Sri Yukteswar's proposed dates of the current cycle we are in and shows clearly how the 24,000 year cycle is structured.

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