How to figure out your Enneagram Number

2 sample tests

Here are some sample tests to see if you can determine your core Enneagram number. We have one number our whole life. It never changes, but we can live in a higher or lower vibration of that number. Some people will find this easy to do. Others may not be able to answer. Either is neither good nor bad, but just the nature of life.

Follow these directions and not the ones on the sheet. Answers the questions as if you were 20 years of age. Pick one of the A, B, C questions. Pick one of the X, Y, Z questions. You are looking for the one that most resembles you. This will give you a two letter code and at the bottom right will lead to a number.

Test #2

Give it a try.

Here is another test you can take with the same idea. Left side gives three choices of how you get your needs met. Right says there are three reactions on how you cope when your needs are not met. There will be a number in common in your two answers. That is your Enneagram number. Answer as a 20-year-old.

For some this is an easier test to answer.

test your answers here.


Read the story of the number or numbers you come up with. We are looking for a 90% confirmation in this paragraph. If you have trouble deciding on one answer in the two tests, read all the stories indicated and see which one fits best.

That's the tests. You can Google your number, i.e. Enneagram 7 and read all you want for free.